As Above, So Below
As Within, So Without
As the Universe, So the Soul
- Hermes Trismegistus -

Qiqong is originally a Chinese doctrine of the body of Qi, the internal life energy, balancing, strengthening and revitalising the body through exercise and mental exercises. The movements are very soft, based on cercle, starts with small cercle to big, alternating between slow and fast circles and various spirals series of movements made while standing.
These movement helps to create your energy body, torus energy field.
During exercise, I send all people Reiki, your body is ready and easy to receive Reiki, because of resonance of energy.

In this class, we harmonise Life vital energy and Higher energy of Reiki, so that healing goes smoothly into your body, where needs to go.

At end of class, we meditate with Tibetan singing bowl and Katakamuna utahi (ancient Japanese poems). The vibration and frequency of Tibetan singing bowl and Katakamuna utahi helps purify aura field.
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